The Via Consolare Project in Pompeii  
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Research Areas of the Via Consolare Project
(Plan: Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei)
Welcome to the Via Consolare Project and
San Francisco State Pompeii Archaeological Internship Programme

The Via Consolare Project has worked since 2005 to document and explain the chronology and stratigraphic record of the properties along the length of the via Consolare, a major roadway on the western side of ancient Pompeii. We focus on two specific areas of the city: the environs of the Villa delle Colonne a mosaico, a large villa just outside the city wall and legally-defined pomerium and Insula VII 6, a city block very close to the forum in the heart of the city. Situated on either end of the via Consolare, these two areas bookend the street from which the Project derives its name. We seek answers to some of the longest held questions about the history and course of development of the city, its urban layout, and the character of its suburban and urban environments from its earliest foundations until its destruction in AD 79.

Here you will find information on our current research results and our team, as well as information for prospective team members and intern applicants. Please click on the appropriate link for more details.
   Andante Travels
San Francisco State University  
Website Content © Copyright Via Consolare Project 2020  
  With the Kind Permission of the Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo
  and the Soprintendenza Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Pompei     Updated: 09.06.2021   | Version 4.1